ASR designs, builds, tests and deploys cutting edge technology as a tool for transformative change in communities that would otherwise not have access to these technologies.
Here are some of the deployed & tested technologies that currently make up our portfolio:
- Use of drones for Carbon Sequestration/Capture Studies
- Through persistent monitoring of ecosystems, we aim to establish a data warehouse of multispectral data which we can then data mine using neural networks for patterns of interest.
- Desert Locust threat identification and mitigation
- Heavy Drone Design and Development
To learn more about the Open Drone Project, check out this link
While operating our drones we often go to the wilderness where there's’ no electricity. We decided to generate our own, and soon realized we run out of gasoline often (plus it's gotten expensive!, and not too good for the environment).
Looking for alternatives, we decided to try solar panels: Too bulking & not enough energy density to charge batteries fast enough.
We turned to biomass! We discovered how easy it is to convert it into gas and run our generator, and in the wilderness, its everywhere. Head on to our biomass gas initiative here.